
RNE Network Statement Common Structure

Article 27 of Directive 2012/34/EU describes the obligation for each rail Infrastructure Manager to publish a Network Statement. These Network Statements are key to market access, they present all the information that Applicants need to place requests for infrastructure capacity, in particular the commercial, technical and legal access conditions. They aim to provide Applicants wishing to operate services on a given rail network with a single source of up-to-date, relevant information in a transparent and non-discriminatory way.

RNE has been promoting the harmonisation and publication of user-friendly, customer-oriented Network Statements. To this end, the IMs and ABs under the RNE umbrella have agreed on a common structure and an implementation guide, which enables Applicants to find the same information in the same place in each Network Statement. The RNE Network Statement Common Structure and Implementation Guide is in line with the requirements of the Directive and other EU law applicable to Network Statements. Furthermore, it is revised every year and is adjusted to business and legal needs when necessary.

RNE Network Statement Common Structure and Implementation Guide for Timetable 2024

RNE Network Statement Common Structure and Implementation Guide for Timetable 2025

RNE Network Statement Common Structure and Implementation Guide for Timetable 2026

Harmonised Text for Annex 4.10 of the Network Statement

This annex describes the procedures for capacity allocation by the Corridor One Stop Shop (C-OSS) of a Rail Freight Corridor (Corridor).

All rules concerning applicants, the use of the C-OSS and its products — Pre-arranged Paths (PaPs) and Reserve Capacity (RC) — and how to order them are explained there. The processes, provisions and steps related to PaPs and RC refer to Regulation (EU) No. 913/2010 (Regulation) and are valid for all applicants. For all other issues, the relevant conditions presented in other parts of the Network Statement of the Infrastructure Manager (IM)/Allocation Body (AB) concerned are applicable.

This annex is revised and updated for each timetable year. Changes in the legal basis of this annex (e.g. changes in EU regulations, Framework for Capacity Allocation or national regulations) will be implemented with each revision.

Annex 4.10 Capacity Allocation Principles for Rail Freight Corridors Timetable 2025

Annex 4.10 Capacity Allocation Principles for Rail Freight Corridors Timetable 2026

Common Template for Service Facilities

Article 4 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2177 on access to service facilities and rail-related services obliges operators of service facilities to establish a service facility description for the service facilities and services for which they are responsible.

Article 5 of the Implementing Regulation stipulates that Infrastructure Managers shall provide a common template to be developed by the railway sector in cooperation with regulatory bodies that operators of service facilities may use to submit the information. The template shall be reviewed and updated as necessary.

Annex 1 to RNE Network Statement Common Structure and Implementation Guide: Common Template for Service Facilities

RNE Glossary of Terms Related to Network Statements and Corridor Information Documents

The RNE Network Statement and Corridor Information Document Working Group has developed an easy-to-use glossary of terms related to Network Statements and Corridor Information Documents (CIDs). Its aim is to facilitate the production, the harmonisation of wording and the comparability of the English-language Network Statements, as well as to ensure the use of harmonised terms in the CIDs. Additionally, a common glossary to be published as a list of terms in the NSs and another one to be published in the CIDs are also included in this Glossary to gather all relevant terms in one comprehensive document.

The definitions in this Glossary are written in a clear language using as little technical or legal jargon as possible. They provide practical guidance to IMs, ABs, RFCs, Applicants and translators. As the railway sector is undergoing rapid change in Europe, this Glossary is a dynamic document, updated and expanded every year or when needed.

Please note the Legal Disclaimer, which stresses that the available material is for information purposes only and that RNE does not accept any liabilities. By using the Glossary, you agree to the terms of the Legal Disclaimer.

Comments from readers and requests for further definitions are very welcome. Please send your observations or requests to the RNE Joint Office:

RNE Glossary of Terms Related to NSs and CIDs

RNE Network Statements and Corridor Information Document Working Group

Understanding Network Statements as well as Corridor Information Document issues is essential for successful communication between IMs, ABs and RFCs. For this reason, RNE has a joint Network Statement and Corridor Information Document Working Group. This facilitates the cooperation between the IMs, ABs and the RFCs as it relates to NSs and CIDs, and also helps them to understand each other's needs better.

Members’ Network Statements

The Network Statements are published at least four months prior to the deadline for annual timetable requests for infrastructure capacity. The list below provides links to the latest Network Statements of the members of RailNetEurope, if available, to the English versions.