2024 marks the 20th anniversary of RailNetEurope (RNE), a pivotal moment in the history of European rail Infrastructure Managers’ cooperation. RNE has played a crucial role in shaping the continent’s railway landscape, fostering collaboration among Infrastructure Managers and Allocation Bodies, and driving significant changes in the legislative and market structures.
The foundation of RNE was driven by the implementation of Directive 2001/14/EC, which promoted open access to railway infrastructure and required Infrastructure Managers to cooperate along the Trans-European rail freight network. The signing of a Framework Agreement on Cooperation of Infrastructure Managers in 2002 set the basis for the establishment of RNE. In due course, the RNE Joint Office in Vienna began its operation in January 2004. Since then, substantial progress has been made in RNE’s working areas Capacity Management, Traffic Management, Corridor Management, Legal Matters and Sales, and IT.

RNE today and beyond
As RNE celebrates its 20th anniversary, it stands as a testament to the power of joining forces for the common goal of advancing the European railways and working towards sector-wide harmonisation.
With a strong foundation including well established working and decision-making structures, the backing of legislative reforms and dedicated joint efforts, RNE and its business partners will continue to play an essential role in shaping the future of rail transport in Europe.
We would like to thank our Members, business partners, and colleagues for their contributions to RNE’s development and we are looking forward to jointly continuing our journey.
The occasion of 20 years of RNE will inspire a number of articles and events which will be shared here on our website.