RNE and ERA Workshop on data interoperability at Innotrans

(picture above: Looking forward to even closer collaboration: Marina Aguado (ERA), Hinne Groot (Ministry of Transport, Netherlands), Christopher Carr (ERA), Michaela Strohschneider (DG MOVE), Ralf-Charley Schultze (UIRR), Harald Reisinger (RNE)) During this year’s InnoTrans fair in Berlin, RNE and ERA jointly hosted the second workshop on ‘Enhancing Data Interoperability in the Railway Sector’. After the … Read more

RNE non-personal data policy – progress

Management of railway networks and train movements (co-)generate huge amounts of non-personal data every day. Yet, access to this data and its re-use within and beyond the transport sector are still hampered by factors such as an unclear legal framework, the lack of an EU single market for data and the absence of cross-sector interoperability. … Read more