Traffic Management Roadshow visited Infrabel and ProRail

Traffic Management Roadshow Infrabel ProRail

In the recent RNE Traffic Management roadshow Peter Šišolák, Head of Traffic Management, visited the joint meeting of Infrabel and ProRail on 19 February 2025. The Traffic Management Roadshows are regular meetings between RNE representatives and high-level traffic management of members to inform them about the latest developments and further activities within the traffic management … Read more

RNE Data Quality Roadshow at GYSEV

The RNE Train Performance Management team’s Peter Šišolák and Pedro Macedo recently travelled to Sopron for another Data Quality Roadshow, this time the meeting was held with GYSEV‘s high-level representatives and concerned experts. The meeting assembled a very committed and interested audience from GYSEV’s traffic and operations management, IT, passenger transport and international relations departments. … Read more