RNE Non-Personal Data Policy Adopted

A major part of RNE’s portfolio is the development, maintenance and operation of IT applications for daily support of the international railway business in Europe. Data in RNE IT are provided by the Infrastructure Managers and integrated into Europe-wide systems. De facto, over the last 15+ years RNE has turned into the European IT and data hub of infrastructure companies in the railway domain. Each data ecosystem of such kind assumes an underlying framework on the technical, legal and commercial side. Building upon the outline approved in May 2022, on 6 December 2022 the RNE General Assembly adopted the final version of the RNE non-personal data policy. It is now published on the RNE website and shall apply from 1 January 2023.

Developing a data policy, data governance processes and protocols, and following up on data sharing are key elements of unfolding the value of RNE data.  The policy paves the way to working with industrial data (co)-generated in railway infrastructure management transparently, effectively and efficiently, ensuring that the data activities are based on a coherent and consistent organisation-wide approach. Taking into account the corner stones of the Big Data Governance Framework from 2019, RNE Members have found common grounds on

  • a comprehensive glossary with definitions,
  • general principles of data sharing,
  • confirmation of RNE Members’ commitments concerning non-personal data provision in the RNE data hub,
  • introduction of the JO data helpdesk,
  • extended scope of acceptable use and re-use of data available in RNE applications (e.g. national public bodies, institutions and agencies (e.g. MoT) of RNE Members’ countries; universities, students and researchers in railway domain; trainees/apprentices at RNE and RNE Members; national railway safety and regulatory bodies for the sake of general analysis and statistics; CER and EIM; railway museums).

Last but least, the policy document is also laying the foundation for joining the emerging European mobility data space. It would serve as RNE’s business card on data for all actors from the railway sector, stakeholders from other modes of transport, flagship projects on data spaces and policymakers involved in the establishment of a common European Mobility Data Space. On RNE’s website all interested parties can consult the main body of the policy, the data inventory, and the service catalogue for data-driven services that might be suitable for their business needs. For any data available in RNE applications your data requests can be directed in a one-stop shop manner to the RNE data help desk in the Joint Office in Vienna at data.services@rne.eu. We are at your disposal for any further inquiries.