RNE Traffic Management Workshop

On 27th June, RNE organised a Traffic Management Workshop, presenting current projects in the traffic and train performance management to representatives from the Rail Freight Corridors, Railway Undertakings, and Terminals Advisory Groups.

Goal of the Traffic Management Workshop

The workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of progress in the traffic and train performance management activities and gather feedback from the participants.

Beginning with the introduction of businesses and traffic management strategies, participants were informed about the statuses of ongoing projects and development based on the tasks defined by the CEF Technical Assistance II Work Package 5 Traffic Management.

The projects discussed included:

After each topic, the progress achieved, and new proposals were discussed with the participants to gather their feedback and incorporate it into future work.

Feedback from a poll during the meeting concluded that all presented activities bring significant benefits to participants’ business areas.

Future Traffic Management Workshops

This workshop is considered as the first of its kind, and the further progress on the topics presented will be reported at the second workshop, scheduled for autumn.

Meeting Presentation and Contact

The meeting presentation can be viewed by those interested in our activities:

For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Traffic Management Team: tm@rne.eu