Promoting interoperability across Europe was the key focus on the kick-off meeting for the Digital Capacity Management – Implementation 2024-2027 (‘DCM IMP 24_27’) project.
One of the project’s main objectives is to transform rail capacity and traffic management, which is currently national, manual, and annual, into a more European, digital, and flexible system.
The project is also an critical enabler for the implementation of the EU’s proposed regulation on the use of railroad infrastructure capacity.
The meeting, which included …
- experience sharing,
- strategy development for enhanced performance, and
- identifying operational solutions,
… was deemed highly successful.
The kick-off meeting for the DCM IMP 24_27 project, which is set to run from 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2027, took place on 24 September 2024.
It was held in a hybrid format at RNE’s premises in Vienna.

Representatives from six Infrastructure Managers participated:
- ACF – Administration des Chemins de Fer
- ADIF – Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias
- ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
- AB “LTG Infra”
- Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura d.o.o.
- HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o.
Participants reflected on their tasks within in the RNE-led joint project, co-funded through the CEF II Transport Call 2023.
We extend our sincere thanks to CINEA, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, for joining the meeting.
Additionally, we express our gratitude to our highly motivated consortium partners for their engaging discussions.
This meeting marks a significant milestone in our efforts to improve the efficiency and appeal of international rail transport.