Advancing Digital Rail Transformation: ‘DCM IMP 24_27’

To enhance efficiency and make rail more competitive as a mode of transport, RNE is fostering the transformation towards a European, digital, and flexible railway sector.

One initiative in this process is the Digital Capacity Management – Implementation 2024-2027 (‘DCM IMP 24_27’) project.

On 6 March 2025, nearly a year after the implementation of the joint project, RNE and its co-beneficiaries met again in Vienna to advance our shared objective:

The Project ‘DCM IMP 24_27’ aims to transform rail capacity and traffic management from a national, manual, and annual system into a more European, digital, and flexible one.

Representatives from six Infrastructure Managers participated, providing updates on their ongoing activities: ACF – Administration des Chemins de Fer, ADIF – Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, AB “LTG Infra”, Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura d.o.o., HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o.

The meeting served as a valuable platform for insightful discussions, ensuring the project’s continued success by:

  • Reviewing progress on initial milestones
  • Sharing best practices
  • Setting clear objectives
  • Strategising and outlining upcoming tasks

According to Harald Reisinger, CIO/CFO of RNE,

“those productive exchanges are key advantage of cross-border EU projects, enabling mutual learning and offering further guidance for IMs”.

This project represents one of the major enablers for effectively addressing the requirements set by the draft capacity regulation. By using the Telematic TSI as the core IT framework, it provides the necessary foundation for the successful implementation of these demands, ensuring a seamless integration of technology and regulatory compliance.

We look forward to the next phases of implementation and the positive impact of our collaborative efforts.

A special thank you to our colleagues at ÖBB Infrastruktur for hosting this meeting!

If you are interested in the previous process, we encourage you to also read our article about the kick-off meeting.

Read the Kick-off Article Advancing European Rail Interoperability

This RNE-led joint project is co-funded through the CEF II Transport Call 2023.

co-funded by European Union EU