EuroLink Integration into RNE – Innovating Capacity Concepts

Starting as a timetabling expert Think Tank on Capacity Concepts for European Rail Traffic, EuroLink recently became part of RailNet Europe.

This integration was proposed at the RNE General Assembly on 16 May 2024 and confirmed by EuroLink’s all-members meeting on 6 June 2024.
With these agreements, the setup was launched and regular work of this new RNE Working Group is scheduled to begin in December 2024.

EuroLink – Innovations for Capacity Concepts

European goals to grow both passenger and freight traffic are ambitious, demanding not only new processes but also innovative concepts on the use of the railway infrastructure.

This was the impetus behind the founding of the pioneering and sometimes disruptive project EuroLink in 2020.

Since then, EuroLink and its members have eagerly worked towards its mission to help cross-European train traffic grow, thereby contributing to the Green Deal.

This is done via thinking out of the box and creating new ways of managing capacity in rail traffic.

To learn more about EuroLink, its concepts, unique selling proposition, future scope, expected outcomes etc, please visit the dedicated RNE-EuroLink webpage.

EuroLink’s Integration into RNE

EuroLink’s innovative ideas and promising projects were soon recognised by international train operators and organisations like RNE.

With both entities sharing the same goals, it was a logical next step to combine them:

  • EuroLink has the necessary innovative resources to elevate the European rail sector.
  • RNE has the structures to implement these ideas and bringing them to life.

Consequently, RNE proposed the integration of EuroLink into its organisation as a new Working Group on 16 May 2024 at its General Assembly. EuroLink confirmed the integration at its all-members meeting 6 June 2024.

Next Steps in the integration of EuroLink into RNE

The work to integrate EuroLink into RNE has already begun.

EuroLink will become a Working Group within the RNE Business Area Capacity Management where Capacity Concepts will be developed to provide a non-binding vision for the Timetable Redesign (TTR) process.

Its chairperson is already appointed: Márton Spohn, RNE Chairperson to the EuroLink Working Group and advisor to the Joint Office Capacity Management team. The Working Group will be also co-chaired by a member of the group on a rotating basis.

Now new structures of the EuroLink Working Group are being developed.

The well-established and recognized brand “EuroLink” will remain as the name of this future RNE Working Group.

Regular work is scheduled to begin in December 2024.

RNE is excited to have the innovative power of EuroLink on board.

We will provide regular updates on the developments with EuroLink on our RNE website and LinkedIn Account.