Train Performance Management

Train Performance Management on RFCs

The Train Performance Management (TPM) project, carried out in 2009, was a first attempt to put in place a complete process for monitoring, analysing and improving performance of international trains, namely in terms of punctuality. ‘TPM Guidelines’ were developed to describe the overall train performance quality management process.

From 2011, with the coming into force of the Freight Regulation, the focus moved to meeting the needs of the Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs). The Guidelines for Train Performance Management on Rail Freight Corridors – RFC TPM Guidelines – were published and regularly updated as experience was gained. The latest version was published in May 2019.

Taking into account all previous experience, the RFC TPM Guidelines provide a comprehensive description of how to improve train punctuality. The guidelines were delivered to the RFCs for their use.

It is important to underline that the RFC TPM Guidelines, although conceived with the Freight Regulation in mind, can also be used in other contexts and for all types of railway traffic (including passenger traffic).

Added value of the RFC TPM approach

  • The international approach to punctuality analysis is designed to improve the quality of train performance on corridors and thereby improve customer satisfaction and attract more traffic to railways.
  • A network of experts is now in place.
  • Regular international collaboration regarding quality performance (beyond borders) between individual Infrastructure Managers (IMs), and between IMs and Railway Undertakings (RUs), has been established.

To ensure the implementation of TPM processes at RFC level, each RFC has nominated an RFC TPM working group leader. the RFC TPM leader is responsible for the organisation and chairing of the RFC TPM WG meetings and acts as a contact person for RFC TPM-related questions within the RFC organisation and and to external bodies, e.g. RAGs, TAGs, etc.

RFC TPM Leaders Contact Information

RFC TPM Leader Phone E-Mail
RFC 1 Rhine – Alpine Alexander Paulus Tel.: +41 58 327 35 77
Mobile: +41 79 551 52 50
RFC 2 North Sea-Mediterranean Sibel Ozcan Mobile: +33 07 76 09 34 84 Email
RFC 3 Scandinavian – Mediterranean Siegfried Nierichlo Tel.: +49 69 265 19770 Email
RFC 4 Atlantic António José Mendes Filipe Tel.: +351 918 912 833 Email
RFC 5 Baltic – Adriatic Alessandro Turconi Mobile: +39 041 784 905 Email
RFC 6 Mediterranean Istvan Pakozdi Tel.: +39 02 3674 2660
Mobile: +39 324 820 4725
RFC 8 North Sea – Baltic Jayne van Ham Tel.: +31 646407953 Email
RFC 9 Rhine – Danube Sándor Balázs Mobile: +36 (30) 290-75-11 Email
RFC 10 Alpine – Western Balkan Dino Džafo Mobile: +386 41 787 056 Email
RFC 11 Amber Szabolcs Tál Mobile: +36 (30) 232-03-14 Email