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The RNE applications were, and are being, developed to support specific business needs of the Infrastructure Managers (IMs) at European level. In most cases, RNE’s systems are fed by the national applications of the IMs, combining the respective national information/views into a Europe-wide one. Besides that, RNE’s IT strategy is based on TAF/TAP TSI regulations, related to which RNE fulfils a major coordination role within the sector. Overall, the facilitation of the use, development and implementation of software tools in line with changing business demands at international level is a major element of RNE’s IT strategy.
General Information
Information Technology (IT) is one of the key success factors in the logistics and transport sector.
RNE IT Strategy
RNE’s IT strategy has been developed over several years in close collaboration with the IT managers of RNE’s Members.
To enable and facilitate European rail traffic, RNE operates several applications, serving its Members and the entire railway sector.
To enable and facilitate European rail traffic, RNE operates several applications, serving its Members and the entire railway sector.
RNE Data
RNE Policies on personal and non-personal data, and information on access to railway business data.
The RNE Reporting Services deliver a wide variety of reports in a range of formats, using data from RNE applications and other data sources.
IT Helpdesk
Contact information for assistance with RNE applications.
RNE IT Strategy
Designed to provide a platform for operators of service
Digital Infrastructure Information
Train Performance Management entails the continuous process of improving trains’ performance
Digital Capacity Management
RNE’s activities in data quality have made the association a reliable and respected provider of international reports
Digital Train Information
A was a first attempt to put in place a complete process for monitoring, analysing and improving performance of international trains