RNE MB – RFC Task Force, 20 August 2024


The RNE Managing Board appointed a dedicated task force in the fall of 2023 consisting of RNE MB and Joint Office members. The Task Force started and will continue to elaborate on the options for preserving the key functions and competences of the RFCs according to the currently available legislative proposals and their content.
After being put on hold end of last year, the Task Force has, in the fall of 2024, been reactivated once more given the advancements of the legal framework for the revised TEN-T and Capacity Management regulations.

The main objective for the Task Force is to further discuss and conclude on topics following the developments of these legal proposals. At the same time keeping an open dialogue with the RFC Network and other stakeholders on how RNE could collaborate with and support the corridors during the coming years, comprising of the transition period and reaching the planned repeal of the RFC regulation in December 2029.
The Task Force workshop on August 20 evaluated on how the existing RFC functions and tasks will be efficiently managed up until as well as after the repeal of the RFC regulation 913/2010.
The status of these functions was discussed with the aim of prioritizing the functions of high importance and implementation urgency for further processing. The subsequent steps will be to find a common platform with other parallel processes related to the legislative proposals to streamline activities and finding efficient solutions.