During this meeting there were also relevant discussions on ENIM and the Network Coordinator. RNE MB Members Linda Thulin and Alfred Pitnik – in their function as PRIME (Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe) Sub-Group Leaders – presented a report on the two governance scenarios on the ENIM and NC cooperation which are currently up to discussion.
The main difference between the two options is an additional managing layer in ENIM in the second scenario. A final decision on the governance set up will be made on 28 November at PRIME meeting in Vienna.
In this context Joachim Kroll held a presentation on how RNE is preparing for the future possible role as Network Coordinator.
Furthermore, the European Commission will start a deep dive study on Performance Review in collaboration with consultant ‘Civity’ and RNE involvement.
RNE had addressed the close link between this study and RNE’s closely related work to the Commission in advance, especially considering that the future Network Coordinator will play an important role in preparing the Framework for Performance Review.
The outcome is that there will be a bundling of resources and collaboration between RNE and Civity. Simona Di Loreto will be the interlocutor representing RNE in the PRIME KPI task force together with Akrivi Gkampoura as a substitute.
Other topics of relevance were the IM IT strategy presented by Harald Reisinger on behalf of the joint Subgroup of PRIME and RNE IT, as well as future financing of RNE/ the Network Coordinator. We hope for ensured long-term and dedicated funding; however, it is too soon for certainty at the moment.